Tag Archives: home interior services

Tips to transform the feel of rented house to home

Just as the number of renters have increased, people tend to compromise on the way of living. Renting shouldn’t stop you from living in the stylish home you desire. Live in a home you have always dreamt off, there shouldn’t be any compromise when it comes to the way of living. It’s never too comfortable to live in a rental house, at the same time no one to stop you from making it feel like home. Obvious that the landlords never agree to make changes, that’s not it. From temporary wallpaper to removable wall stickers, as well as the odd bit of crafty creativity, small changes can always be done without compromising your lease agreement.

Accessorise:  Accessorise is the only thing which can make the home look beautiful. Adding few craft works such as show pieces. These can add on to make your home look more attractive. Ugly flooring is one of the most common issues which can be avoided by carpets/rug.

Colour: If you are living from a long time, it’s okay to ask for a change of paint colour.  The paint colour of the house can make once mood change to, choosing a lighter or a faded colour can me more appropriate. If this is a problem, you can always update a wall with stickers or removable wall papers. Wall stickers have become very popular as they can be removed easily without any fuss.

Furniture: Furniture’s define everything, there are wide range of collections based on colours, designs etc. The most important thing is placing them right. Sometimes lack of storage becomes problem, a stack of white suitcases can be used as a side table, and can also be filled with magazines or items used frequently. Lightings, has to be given a great importance which is often neglected. Dressing the window can have a big impact to.

Plants: Flowers are beautiful and buying them regular may not be the right option. It can be possibly replaced by plants which bring life and colour into a space. If you have enough space around the house, potting herbs indoors is a simple way to bring greenery into your home. If you’re a forgetful sort and liable to kill any living thing, however succulents are a great and fashionable alternative.